Security update kb2538242 win 7
Security update kb2538242 win 7

Security Update for Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package (KB2538243) Assume the update is really needed and download the KB2538243 from The difficulty here is that four files are included in the update from the MS catalog:.Ignore Belarc and continue using the Corel Program.I am unsure how to continue, and I see the following two choices: I feel it's quite likely the program required the files involved and is responsible for their presence on my computer. I've learned this update relates to a MS C++ 2012 Redistributable, and I find the two C++ files involved in this distribution were installed on my computer on Dec 7, concurrent with my installing Corel PaintShop Pro 2018. Running Belarc Advisor today, however, showed I am missing KB2538243 (classified as "important"), and this alert did not appear the last time I ran Belarc on November 12. I think I got the pc's maybe 3 or 4 years ago.My two-month old Win 10 computer (system 2 under "My Computers") is up to date on Windows Updates. Both are Dell's the one that can update is just 1 year older. Other than that they are mostly the same. I do have Visual Studio installed could that help my other pc. I have another windows 7 machine and I have had 0 issues updating. net framework 3.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2 kb4014981ĮventData errorCode 0x80070308 updateTitle April, 2017 Security Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows 7 for 圆4-based Systems (KB4015549) updateRevisionNumber 213 What is the issue. Security update kb3177725 failed April 2017 security and quality rollup. I get the following error when I try and update windows. Security Update for Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package (KB2538242) Installation date: ‎4/‎18/‎2017 10:54 PM Installation status: Successful But the Security Update still shows up when I try to update windows. The below is a print out from my update history.

security update kb2538242 win 7

But it still shows up when I run my windows update. I have installed the below service pack twice. I am having 2 issues with windows update.

Security update kb2538242 win 7